flag football game as receiver catches a pass

San Juan College Sports

Build memories and friendships through teamwork. Enjoy friendly competition with fellow students, staff, faculty, and the community. All ability and skill levels are invited and encouraged to participate in any of the sports activities offered.

Join our sports teams – from e-sports to volleyball

Dates Time Where Courts
Monday 6:00am - 9:00am North/South 6 Courts
Tuesday 3:00pm - 5:00pm South Court 3 Courts
Wednesday 6:00am - 10:45am South Court 3 Courts
Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm North/South 6 Courts
Friday 4:00pm - 7:45pm South Court 3 Courts
Saturday 6:30am - 10:00am


6 Courts

On rare occasions, a special event may cause the cancellation of pickleball play.

Mission Statement:

The SJC Rays are a collegiate E-Sports Team. We are actively recruiting members.

E-sports on campus!

San Juan College Suns ESport Team LogoThe E-sports club is meeting every Thursday from 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Fridays 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, and Saturday 8:00 Am - 5:00 PM  in the Information Technology Center, room 7228. 

Students have been working together to build teams for League of Legends, Rocket League, and Overwatch 2. The students will compete against other NACE Starleague E-sports league colleges.

View our team page and schedule. 


Contact Us

Advisor: Randall Keeswood | keeswoodr@rf518.com 

SJC Rays Facebook Page 



Day Time Court
Friday 3:00pm-7:45pm Center
Saturday 6:30am-4:45pm Center

Credit Classes, Campus Events & Outside Events may alter available play times/courts.

On rare occasions, a special event may cause the cancellation of open-court volleyball play.

9 laps is one mile. The track is open during HHPC open hours.
 9 laps is one mile one the SJC HHPC track!

You can register as a team or a free agent. 

Registration Dates: 4/03/25 - 4/24/25

Season Dates: TUESDAY EVENINGS 4/03/25 - 4/24/25

Cost:  Free

Register: www.imleagues.com/sjc

Questions: Contact Erica rawsone@rf518.com or 505-566-3819

YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF THE HHPC BY THE FIRST DAY OF PLAY TO PARTICIPATE.Gather your team and get ready to play some Kickball at SJC!

Day Time Court
Monday 5:00am-8:45pm Center
Tuesday 5:00am-8:45pm Center
Wednesday 5:00am-8:45pm Center
Thursday 5:00am-8:45pm Center





Saturday 10am-4:45pm Center

Credit Classes, Campus Events & Outside Events may alter available play times/courts.

On rare occasions, a special event may cause the cancellation of open court basketball play.


Join us for some classic Dodgeball just the way you're PE teacher ran it! 

Thursday - March 27, 2025 | 6:00pm @ HHPC

Show up this night as a team or an individual! 

No Registration required!

Cost: FREE

Flashlight Night Hike

Full Moon flashlight night hike. Get ready for a night hike and where we end the evening with smores! The hike will be for all levels of fitness.

Friday - April 11, 2025 | 7:00pm

Cost: FREE

Register: www.imleagues.com/sjc

Questions: Contact HHPC hhpc@rf518.com at 505-566-3410 or 505-566-3819


Phone: (505) 566-3410

4601 College Blvd
